Yes, 2020 sent us into a tail spin. Yes, my store closed, but fortunately we reopened. We "pivoted" and we did what we could to stay relevant and serve our customers throughout this crazy year. I thank my customers for continuing to support us- we wouldn't have made it this far without you.1. I got to travel to and shop at the Tucson Gem Show for the first time in 3 years! I found all sorts of treasures. I’m so grateful to have had this opportunity pre-pandemic, January, 2020.
2. I planned, styled and directed my first ever on-location photoshoot. In Hawai’i! (also pre-pandemic, February, 2020)
3. After the pandemic hit, we were among the first local businesses to receive a PPP loan. I was able to keep most of our small team employed throughout most of the year.
4. We created a fun and safe outdoor shopping experience on the front lawn of the studio this summer. A nice option for visitors who didn't feel comfortable coming inside.
5. I added every single product in my store on to my stefaniewolf.com website so that my customers could continue to make purchases throughout nationwide lockdowns and stay at home orders. Birthdays, graduations and “thinking of you” occasions continued and we mailed your gifts.
6. I designed a mask chain and my team created and sold 952 of them and counting! Go Kelly!
7. Our PPP loan was FORGIVEN!
8. We launched 2 new colors of glass jewelry: bubble gum pink and crystal clear.
9. I made the cover of the Vine, a holiday issue highlighting local artisans.
10. The Hawai’i photo shoot went so well that we did another photoshoot on the Vineyard in late summer. It was epic. We made mask chains cute! Thank you to Joe Mikos (our photographer), Virginia Elizabeth (our makeup artist), Kathryn (our stylist), and our gorgeous models who are also real-life Vineyard moms, architects, artists, chefs, musicians and entrepreneurs: Quinn, Noni, Stephanie, Jackie and Joanne. You rock!
Here are a few more shots from that October day:
Joan Dunayer
I have always loved your jewelry
Julie Wilson Paladino
The upgrades to your website and your use of social media are terrific! So helpful for those of us who will probably never (sadly) get to your store in person. My mask chain is a daily accessory. Thanks so much!
Sheri Carroll
Loved your photo essay. Well done. You did an awesome job of coming through 2020.
Betty A Calise
Stephanie, I love shopping on line and hope that some day I will visit your shop and meet you! Happy New Year!